
Training course in the methods of regulating financial transactions


The economy is simply the sum of the transactions it consists of and the transaction is a very simple thing. You make transactions or deals all the time. Every time you buy something, you make a transaction. Each transaction consists of a buyer who exchanges money or loan with the seller to obtain goods, services or financial assets. Spending loans is just like money, where you add the money you spent and the amount of loan you spent so you can figure out the total expenditure. This amount of total expenditure drives the economy, and if you divide the amount you spent on the quantity sold, you will get the price. This is the transaction, which is the economic stone of the machine. Someone else pays every monetary amount, so when you spend more, someone earns more. When someone's income rises more, this makes the lenders willing to lend him money because he now does not need the loan. He is someone who has the ability to pay and guarantees, having a lot of income in relation to his debt gives him the ability to repay. If he is unable to repay, it can be sold, this is what makes lenders in comfort when lending money.

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in the methods of regulating financial and economic transactions and how to maintain balance within government and private institutions and improve the economic situation of the country concerned.

Objectives and target group

Target audience of attending a training course in the methods of regulating financial transactions:

Investors and capital owners.

New entrepreneurs are next to borrow loans.

Employees of loan-granting organizations including banks, government institutions and credit banks.

How participants will benefit from attending a training course in the methods of regulating financial transactions:

After the end of the course program, the participants will know:

  • Methods of regulation of economic transactions.
  • Financial transactions and taxes and their relation to income balance.
  • The difference between buying, mortgage, selling and lending.
  • How to regulate loan guarantees.
  • The importance of assets in the regulation of financial transactions.

Course Content

  • Economy and its broad concept.
  • Economic transactions.
  • The concept and definition of economic transactions.
  • Mechanism for the application of economic transactions.
  • Relationship of loans to the economic movement as a whole.
  • Organization of income and withdrawal of financial organizations.

What is the duration of the training course in the methods of regulating financial transactions?

The duration of the course is between 5 to 10 days. A mini-master can also work in the methods of regulating financial transactions. For more information, you can contact with the management of the British Academy for Training and Development.

Date and place of the course:

Courses are held in each of the following countries:

  • Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, Turkey, England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Austria and Denmark, as well as Australia and the United States of America.
  • The courses offer a time and place suitable for the nature of your business and your time.

Implementation Patterns of the training course:

  • Group training.
  • Individual training.
  • Field and practical training according to an integrated approach.
  • A theoretical training in the hall.

What the participant gets when attending a training course in the methods of regulating financial transactions:

After the completion of the course, the participants will receive a certified certificate from the British Academy for attending a training course in the methods of regulating financial transactions.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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